'Fusarium raphani'是拉丁文,意为“萝卜镰孢菌”。它是一种真菌,可影响萝卜、芥菜等作物,并引起根腐病和其他问题。
以下是9个含有'Fusarium raphani'的例句:
1. The radish crop was severely affected by 'Fusarium raphani'. (这次萝卜收成受到了'萝卜镰孢菌'的严重影响。)
2. Scientists are researching methods to control 'Fusarium raphani' infections. (科学家正在研究控制'萝卜镰孢菌'感染的方法。)
3. The fungus 'Fusarium raphani' is known to cause root rot in turnips. (真菌'萝卜镰孢菌'已知会引起芜菁根腐病。)
4. Farmers are advised to rotate crops to prevent the buildup of 'Fusarium raphani' in the soil. (建议农民轮作作物以防止在土壤中聚集'萝卜镰孢菌'。)
5. The presence of 'Fusarium raphani' in the soil can lead to reduced crop yields. (土壤中存在'萝卜镰孢菌'可能会导致作物产量降低。)
6. The severity of 'Fusarium raphani' infections can vary depending on weather conditions. ('萝卜镰孢菌'感染的严重程度会因天气条件而有所不同。)
7. It is important to take preventive measures against 'Fusarium raphani' to avoid crop losses. (采取预防措施以避免'萝卜镰孢菌'造成的作物损失是非常重要的。)
8. Some resistant varieties of radish have been developed to combat 'Fusarium raphani'. (已开发一些抗'萝卜镰孢菌'的萝卜品种。)
9. Contaminated seeds can be a source of 'Fusarium raphani' infections. (污染的种子可以是'萝卜镰孢菌'感染的来源。)