1. The explosion destroyed the entire building.(爆炸毁坏了整个建筑物。)
2. The fireworks display featured a dazzling explosion of colors.(烟火表演中,各种颜色的火花爆炸呈现出令人眼花缭乱的画面。)
3. The company experienced an explosion in growth in the last year.(这家公司在去年经历了一次惊人的增长爆发。)
4. The sudden explosion of anger caught everyone by surprise.(突然的愤怒爆发让所有人都感到惊讶。)
5. The band's new album is an explosion of creativity and energy.(这支乐队的新专辑展现了创造力和能量的一次猛烈爆发。)
6. The explosion of new technology has changed the way we live and work.(新技术的爆炸式增长改变了我们生活和工作的方式。)
7. The sound of the explosion echoed through the canyon.(爆炸的声音在峡谷中回荡。)
8. The volcanic explosion left a huge crater in the ground.(火山爆炸在地面上留下了一个巨大的坑洞。)
9. The car's engine made a loud explosion before finally dying.(汽车发动机发出一声巨响后最终停止工作。)