1. The Menidia species is a vital part of the aquatic food chain.(Menidia品种是水生食物链的重要组成部分。)
2. We found a school of Menidia swimming near the riverbank.(我们发现一群在河岸边游泳的Menidia。)
3. The research team is studying the migration patterns of Menidia.(研究小组正在研究Menidia的迁徙模式。)
4. Menidia feed on plankton and small crustaceans.(Menidia以浮游生物和小型甲壳类为食。)
5. The Menidia population has declined in recent years due to environmental pollution.(由于环境污染,Menidia的种群数量近年来有所下降。)
6. The Menidia fishery is an important economic activity in the region.(Menidia渔业是该地区的重要经济活动。)
7. The predators in the area rely heavily on Menidia as a food source.(该地区的掠食者非常依赖Menidia作为食物来源。)
8. Scientists are working to understand the impact of climate change on Menidia populations.(科学家们正在努力了解气候变化对Menidia种群的影响。)
9. Menidia eggs hatch in shallow waters and are vulnerable to predation.(Menidia的卵在浅水区孵化,易受捕食者攻击。)