1. The caragana tree is a common plant on the Mongolian grasslands.(扁豆树是蒙古草原上常见的植物。)
2. Caragana can be used for sand fixation and soil conservation.(扁豆树可用于风沙固沙和水土保持。)
3. There are many caragana trees planted in the desert to prevent sandstorms.(在沙漠中种植大量的扁豆树来防止沙尘暴。)
4. In some areas of China, caragana leaves are used to make traditional medicines.(在中国一些地区,扁豆树叶子被用来制作传统药物。)
5. The branches of caragana are good fuel for fires.(扁豆树的树枝是很好的燃料。)
6. Caragana flowers are yellow and beautiful in the spring.(扁豆树在春天开黄色的美丽花朵。)
7. Mongolian nomads often use caragana branches to make fences for their livestock.(蒙古游牧民族经常用扁豆树树枝做牲畜的栅栏。)
8. Caragana can grow in poor soil and harsh environments.(扁豆树能在贫瘠和恶劣条件下生长。)
9. The bark of caragana can be made into a tea that is said to have health benefits.(扁豆树的树皮可以制成一种具有保健功效的茶。)