Frank Wilczek是美国的一个物理学家,他曾获得诺贝尔物理学奖。这个词语常用作人名或是指代他的相关研究成果。
1. Frank Wilczek的研究成果对物理学界产生了重大影响。(英语)
Frank Wilczek's research has had a significant impact on the field of physics. (英文翻译)
2. Wilczek教授在物理学领域做出了许多卓越的贡献。(英语)
Professor Wilczek has made many outstanding contributions in the field of physics. (英文翻译)
3. Wilczek的工作被视为量子色动力学研究的基础。(英语)
Wilczek's work is considered foundational to the study of quantum chromodynamics. (英文翻译)
4. Frank Wilczek在xx年获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。(英语)
Frank Wilczek was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004. (英文翻译)
5. Wilczek教授是一个备受尊敬的科学家。(英语)
Professor Wilczek is a highly respected scientist. (英文翻译)
6. Wilczek的理论为研究标准模型提供了新的途径。(英语)
Wilczek's theories provide new avenues for studying the standard model. (英文翻译)
7. Frank Wilczek被认为是当代最有创新性的理论物理学家之一。(英语)
Frank Wilczek is considered one of the most innovative theoretical physicists of our time. (英文翻译)
8. Wilczek提出的理论为物理学领域带来了巨大的贡献。(英语)
Wilczek's theories have made significant contributions to the field of physics. (英文翻译)
9. Frank Wilczek的工作为我们理解自然现象奠定了基础。(英语)
Frank Wilczek's work has laid the groundwork for our understanding of natural phenomena. (英文翻译)