1. Mammomonogamus laryngeus是一种常见的家兔寄生虫,可以导致兔子喉部感染。
(Mammomonogamus laryngeus is a common parasite of domestic rabbits that can cause infections in the rabbit’s larynx.)
2. 这种单性寄生虫可以通过食物或饮水传播到宿主体内。
(This monosexual parasite can be transmitted to the host through food or drinking water.)
3. 常见的哺乳动物寄生虫有钩端螺旋体和Mammomonogamus laryngeus。
(Common parasites in mammals include hookworms and Mammomonogamus laryngeus.)
4. Mammomonogamus laryngeus寄生在兔子喉部,会导致严重的呼吸困难和喉部疼痛。
(Mammomonogamus laryngeus parasitizes in the rabbit's larynx and can cause severe respiratory distress and throat pain.)
5. 这种单性寄生虫在感染宿主后会通过大便排出体外。
(This monosexual parasite is excreted in the host's feces after infection.)
6. Mammomonogamus laryngeus很难治疗,通常需要使用一些特殊的药物。
(Mammomonogamus laryngeus is difficult to treat and usually requires the use of special medications.)
7. 这种单性寄生虫的生命周期很短,只有几周时间。
(The lifecycle of this monosexual parasite is short, lasting only a few weeks.)
8. 在不适当的卫生条件下,人类也可能被Mammomonogamus laryngeus感染。
(Under unsanitary conditions, humans may also be infected with Mammomonogamus laryngeus.)
9. Mammomonogamus是一种广泛分布于世界各地的虫子,它可以寄生在多种哺乳动物身上。
(Mammomonogamus is a widely distributed parasite that can infect a variety of mammals all over the world.)