1. Aquatic plants infected with Aphanomyces fungus are stunted and have root rot.(受Aphanomyces真菌感染的水生植物矮小,根部腐烂。)
2. Aphanomyces astaci is a pathogenic fungus that causes crayfish plague.(Aphanomyces astaci是一种致病性真菌,导致龙虾瘟疫。)
3. The disease caused by Aphanomyces euteiches severely affects pea production.(由Aphanomyces euteiches引起的疾病严重影响豌豆生产。)
4. The use of resistant cultivars is an effective way to control Aphanomyces root rot.(使用抗病品种是控制Aphanomyces根腐病的有效方法。)
5. Aphanomyces invadans is the causative agent of epizootic ulcerative syndrome in fish.(Aphanomyces invadans是鱼类流行性溃疡综合征的病原菌。)
6. Aphanomyces ovidestruens can cause abortion and death in small ruminants.(Aphanomyces ovidestruens可以导致小反刍动物的流产和死亡。)
7. The most effective way to control Aphanomyces astaci is to avoid the introduction of infected crayfish.(控制Aphanomyces astaci的最有效方法是避免引入感染的龙虾。)
8. Aphanomyces root rot is a major problem in sugar beet cultivation.(Aphanomyces根腐病是甜菜栽培中的主要问题。)
9. The development of resistant strains is crucial for controlling Aphanomyces disease in aquaculture.(发展抗病品系对于控制水产养殖中的Aphanomyces疾病至关重要。)