1. Το Antetonitrus ήταν ένας προιστορικός φυτοφάγος δεινόσαυρος.
(希腊语:Antetonitrus是一种史前的植食性恐龙。中文翻译:Antetonitrus was a prehistoric herbivorous dinosaur.)
2. Antetonitrus rex, uno de los saurópodos más antiguos del mundo, fue descubierto en Argentina.
(西班牙语:Antetonitrus rex是世界上最古老的蜥脚类恐龙之一,发现于阿根廷。中文翻译:Antetonitrus rex, one of the oldest sauropods in the world, was discovered in Argentina.)
3. Antetonitrus được coi là một trong những loài khủng long ăn cỏ từng sống.
(越南语:Antetonitrus被认为是曾经存在的一种食草恐龙。中文翻译:Antetonitrus is considered to be a type of herbivorous dinosaur that once existed.)
4. Antetonitrus var en av de tidigaste kända sauropoderna.
(瑞典语:Antetonitrus是已知最早的蜥脚类恐龙之一。中文翻译:Antetonitrus was one of the earliest known sauropods.)
5. Antetonitrus byl jedním z prvních druhů sauropodů, kteří dorostli obřích rozměrů.
(捷克语:Antetonitrus是最早成长到巨大体型的蜥脚类恐龙之一。中文翻译:Antetonitrus was one of the first species of sauropods to reach giant sizes.)
6. Antetonitrus era uno dei primi dinosauri giganti erbivori.
(意大利语:Antetonitrus是最早的食草巨型恐龙之一。中文翻译:Antetonitrus was one of the earliest giant herbivorous dinosaurs.)
7. Antetonitrus byl jedním z nejstarších zástupců sauropodů.
(捷克语:Antetonitrus是蜥脚类恐龙中最古老的物种之一。中文翻译:Antetonitrus was one of the oldest representatives of sauropods.)
8. Antetonitrus était l'un des premiers sauropodes de la planète.
(法语:Antetonitrus是地球上最早的蜥脚类恐龙之一。中文翻译:Antetonitrus was one of the earliest sauropods on the planet.)
9. Antetonitrus adalah salah satu dinosaurus herbivora raksasa paling awal yang pernah hidup.
(印尼语:Antetonitrus是最早出现的巨型食草恐龙之一。中文翻译:Antetonitrus was one of the earliest giant herbivorous dinosaurs that ever lived.)