1. You should avoid consuming gluten if you have celiac disease.(如果你患有乳糜泻,应该避免摄入麸质。)
2. Many people who are sensitive to gluten have to follow a strict gluten-free diet.(许多对麸质过敏的人必须遵循严格的无麸质饮食。)
3. Gluten is often added to processed foods as a thickener or stabilizer.(麸质通常被添加到加工食品中作为增稠剂或稳定剂。)
4. Gluten-free bread can be made with alternative flours such as almond or coconut flour.(无麸质面包可以用杏仁粉或椰子粉等替代面粉制作。)
5. Symptoms of gluten sensitivity can include bloating, headaches, and diarrhea.(对麸质过敏的症状可以包括腹胀、头痛和腹泻。)
6. Wheat contains high amounts of gluten, making it a common ingredient in many baked goods.(小麦含有大量的麸质,使其成为许多烘焙食品的常见成分。)
7. A gluten-free diet can be challenging to follow when eating out at restaurants.(在餐厅外用餐时,无麸质饮食可能难以遵循。)
8. Some people with gluten intolerance may still be able to tolerate small amounts of gluten.(一些对麸质不耐受的人可能仍然能够耐受少量的麸质。)
9. Gluten sensitivity is not the same as celiac disease, although the symptoms can be similar.(对麸质过敏与乳糜泻不同,尽管症状可能相似。)