'Steve Francis'这个词语来源于英语,是一个男性名字。Steve Francis是一位曾经效力于休斯顿火箭队等多支NBA球队的职业篮球运动员。这个名字在英语中常被缩写为"Steve"。
以下是9个含有'Steve Francis'的例句:
1. Steve Francis was drafted second overall by the Vancouver Grizzlies in the 1999 NBA Draft.(Steve Francis在xx年NBA选秀中被温哥华灰熊队以第二顺位选中。)
2. During his NBA career, Steve Francis was known for his high-flying dunks and flashy moves.(在NBA职业生涯中,Steve Francis因其高空扣篮和华丽的动作而闻名。)
3. Steve Francis scored 18 points in his Rockets debut.(Steve Francis在休斯顿火箭队的处子秀中得到了18分。)
4. The Orlando Magic traded Tracy McGrady and Steve Francis to the Houston Rockets in 2004.(奥兰多魔术队在xx年将Tracy McGrady和Steve Francis交易到了休斯顿火箭队。)
5. After retiring from basketball, Steve Francis started his own hip-hop record label.(退役后,Steve Francis开始创办自己的嘻哈唱片公司。)
6. Steve Francis was named NBA Rookie of the Year in 2000.(Steve Francis在xx年被评为NBA年度最佳新秀。)
7. The Houston Rockets retired Steve Francis' jersey in 2019.(休斯顿火箭队在xx年退役了Steve Francis的球衣。)
8. Steve Francis was a three-time NBA All-Star during his career.(Steve Francis在职业生涯中三次入选NBA全明星阵容。)
9. Steve Francis' signature move was his hesitation crossover.(Steve Francis的招牌动作是他的停顿变向过人。)