1. Trissolcus japonicus是一种常见的昆虫寄生蜂,对控制玉米象等害虫非常有效。(中文:Trissolcus japonicus is a common parasitic wasp that is highly effective at controlling pests like corn borers.)
2. 这个农场的工作人员正在使用Trissolcus来控制某些草地上的蝗虫。(中文:The farm staff are using Trissolcus to control grasshoppers in some of the fields.)
3. 在这个研究中,研究人员发现Trissolcus会对其寄主产生较大的影响。(中文:In this study, researchers found that Trissolcus had a significant impact on its host.)
4. 红色Trissolcus是一种在西非常见的蜂类。(中文:The red Trissolcus is a common wasp found in West Africa.)
5. Trissolcus是一种天敌昆虫,经常被用于有机农业。(中文:Trissolcus is a natural enemy insect that is often used in organic farming.)
6. 这个项目旨在研究Trissolcus对白蚁的控制效果。(中文:This project aims to study the effectiveness of Trissolcus in controlling termites.)
7. Trissolcus的卵产在寄主体内,以确保它们可以迅速孵化并开始寄生。(中文:The eggs of Trissolcus are laid inside the host to ensure that they hatch quickly and begin parasitizing.)
8. 这项研究得出结论,Trissolcus可以有效地控制玉米田中的玉米螟。(中文:This study concluded that Trissolcus can effectively control the corn borer in corn fields.)
9. 研究人员发现,Trissolcus的数量与寄主密度呈正相关关系。(中文:Researchers found that the number of Trissolcus was positively correlated with host density.)