1. Aublysodon是一种生活在北美洲的肉食恐龙,生存于约8000万年前。(英文:Aublysodon was a carnivorous dinosaur that lived in North America around 80 million years ago.)
2. 这个博物馆里有一具Aublysodon的化石,非常震撼。(英文:There is a fossil of Aublysodon in this museum, and it is very impressive.)
3. 学生们通过学习Aublysodon的化石,了解了恐龙时代的生态系统。(英文:By studying the fossils of Aublysodon, students learned about the ecosystem during the age of dinosaurs.)
4. Aublysodon有什么特殊的进食习性吗?(英文:Does Aublysodon have any special feeding habits?)
5. 关于Aublysodon的争议主要集中在其体型和行为模式方面。(英文:The controversy about Aublysodon mainly revolves around its body size and behavior patterns.)
6. 研究人员使用了高清扫描技术来还原Aublysodon的外形。(英文:Researchers used high-resolution scanning techniques to reconstruct the appearance of Aublysodon.)
7. Aublysodon是庞大的暴龙科恐龙之一,腿部非常发达。(英文:Aublysodon was one of the large theropod dinosaurs of the family Tyrannosauridae, with very developed legs.)
8. 虽然Aublysodon是肉食性恐龙,但它可能也吃过植物和小动物。(英文:Although Aublysodon was a carnivorous dinosaur, it may have eaten plants and small animals as well.)
9. 学者们在Aublysodon的化石中发现了多个痕迹,这表明它们可能进行过群体活动。(英文:Scholars found multiple traces in the fossils of Aublysodon, indicating that they may have engaged in group activities.)