Lagenorhynchus是什么意思 Lagenorhynchus的读音、翻译、用法

Lagenorhynchus是什么意思 Lagenorhynchus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Lagenorhynchus albirostris是一种常见的长嘴海豚,它们生活在北极海域。

(Lagenorhynchus albirostris is a common species of white-beaked dolphin that lives in Arctic waters.)

2. 长嘴海豚的嘴长而窄,适合抓捕小型猎物。

(The long, narrow snout of the Lagenorhynchus is adapted for catching small prey.)

3. 这只长嘴海豚在岸边游来游去,引起了游客们的注意。

(The Lagenorhynchus swimming near the shore caught the attention of the tourists.)

4. 长嘴海豚是海豚中的一种,它们通常生活在寒冷的水域。

(Lagenorhynchus is a type of dolphin that is typically found in cold water.)

5. 这种长嘴海豚的叫声很独特,研究人员用它来辨别不同的个体。

(The distinctive vocalizations of this species of Lagenorhynchus are used by researchers to distinguish between individuals.)

6. 长嘴海豚被广泛研究,因为它们是海洋生态系统的关键物种之一。

(Lagenorhynchus is extensively studied because it is a key species in marine ecosystems.)

7. 长嘴海豚是俄罗斯远东地区最常见的海豚之一。

(Lagenorhynchus is one of the most common dolphins found in the Russian Far East.)

8. 长嘴海豚长达3米,比它的近亲黑白海豚要小。

(Lagenorhynchus can grow up to 3 meters in length, smaller than its close relative, the Orcinus orca.)

9. 长嘴海豚通常会结成小群体,一起寻找食物。

(Lagenorhynchus typically form small groups to hunt for food together.)

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