1. Nitrosomonas欧洲毒性品种的基因组正在被研究中。
The genome of the European toxic strain of Nitrosomonas is being studied.
2. Nitrosomonas可以通过氧化氨将氮素从废水中去除。
Nitrosomonas can remove nitrogen from wastewater by oxidizing ammonia.
3. 氨气单胞菌属于古细菌门。
Nitrosomonas belong to the phylum of Archaea.
4. 有些Nitrosomonas菌株可以在低温下生长。
Some strains of Nitrosomonas can grow at low temperatures.
5. Nitrosomonas是一种重要的土壤微生物,与植物根系互动可以提高植物的养分吸收。
Nitrosomonas is an important soil microorganism that interacts with plant roots to enhance nutrient uptake.
6. 研究表明,Nitrosomonas在水体中的生长条件与氨气浓度和温度有关。
Studies have shown that the growth of Nitrosomonas in water is related to ammonia concentration and temperature.
7. Nitrosomonas的酶可以将氨气氧化为亚硝酸盐,进而促进氮素循环。
Enzymes of Nitrosomonas can oxidize ammonia to nitrite and promote nitrogen cycling.
8. 一些Nitrosomonas菌株对羧酸和酒精敏感,会影响它们在环境中的代谢活动。
Some strains of Nitrosomonas are sensitive to carboxylic acids and alcohols, which can affect their metabolic activity in the environment.
9. Nitrosomonas的存在对维持水体中的氮素平衡至关重要。
The presence of Nitrosomonas is crucial for maintaining nitrogen balance in water.