'Plasmodium gallinaceum'是拉丁语单词,表示为“鸡型原虫”。这个词语指的是一种寄生虫,可以感染家禽,特别是鸡类。它可以导致鸡类感染病并引发死亡,也可通过昆虫传播给其他动物。
以下是9个含有'Plasmodium gallinaceum'的例句:
1. The chickens on the farm were infected with 'Plasmodium gallinaceum', causing significant financial losses.(这个农场的鸡感染了'Plasmodium gallinaceum',导致了重大的经济损失。)
2. Scientists are studying the transmission of 'Plasmodium gallinaceum' to better understand how it can be prevented.(科学家正在研究'Plasmodium gallinaceum'的传播情况,以更好地了解如何防止它的传播。)
3. The 'Plasmodium gallinaceum' parasite can cause anemia in chickens if left untreated.(如果不及时治疗,'Plasmodium gallinaceum'寄生虫可以导致家禽贫血。)
4. The mosquito is the primary vector for the transmission of 'Plasmodium gallinaceum'.(蚊子是传播'Plasmodium gallinaceum'的主要媒介。)
5. Farmers must take steps to prevent the spread of 'Plasmodium gallinaceum' in their flocks.(农民必须采取措施,防止'Plasmodium gallinaceum'在鸡群中传播。)
6. The 'Plasmodium gallinaceum' parasite can cause significant damage to the poultry industry.('Plasmodium gallinaceum'寄生虫可以对禽业造成重大损失。)
7. Researchers are developing new ways to detect the presence of 'Plasmodium gallinaceum' in chicken flocks.(研究人员正在开发新的方法,检测鸡群中是否存在'Plasmodium gallinaceum'。)
8. A vaccine may one day be developed to protect chickens from 'Plasmodium gallinaceum' infection.(有一天可能会开发出一种疫苗,保护鸡免受'Plasmodium gallinaceum'感染。)
9. The detection and treatment of 'Plasmodium gallinaceum' infection is essential for maintaining a healthy poultry industry.(检测和治疗'Plasmodium gallinaceum'感染对于保持健康的禽业行业至关重要。)