'AiEA'并不是一个国家的语言,而是一个缩写词,代表"Artificial Intelligence Ethics Association",即"人工智能伦理协会"。它是一个国际性的组织,旨在推动和引导人工智能技术的伦理发展与应用。
1. Our company has joined AiEA and pledged to follow the ethical guidelines in our AI development.(我们公司已经加入了AiEA,并承诺在我们的AI开发中遵守伦理准则。)
2. AiEA is hosting a conference on ethics and AI in San Francisco next month.(AiEA将在下个月在旧金山举办一场关于伦理与人工智能的会议。)
3. The AiEA's ethical principles provide a helpful framework for AI developers to consider the impact of their technologies on society.(AiEA的伦理原则为AI开发者提供了一个有益的框架,帮助他们考虑他们的技术对社会的影响。)
4. AiEA's members consist of experts and scholars from various fields of AI and ethics.(AiEA的成员包括来自各个领域的人工智能和伦理学的专家和学者。)
5. AiEA advocates for transparency and accountability in AI development and use.(AiEA倡导在人工智能的开发和使用中实现透明度和责任制。)
6. The AiEA has released a set of guidelines for ethical AI development, which have been widely adopted by many companies and organizations.(AiEA发布了一套关于伦理人工智能开发的准则,得到许多公司和组织的广泛采用。)
7. AiEA's mission is to promote the development and application of AI in an ethical and responsible manner.(AiEA的使命是促进人工智能的伦理和负责任的发展和应用。)
8. AiEA believes that ethical considerations must be integrated into the design and development of AI systems from the outset.(AiEA认为,伦理考虑必须从一开始就融入到人工智能系统的设计和开发中。)
9. AiEA welcomes anyone who is passionate about AI ethics to join and contribute to the development of ethical AI.(AiEA欢迎任何对人工智能伦理充满热情的人加入,并为伦理人工智能的发展做出贡献。)