1. Deuteromycotina是无性繁殖真菌的一个类别,它们缺乏有性阶段。(中文翻译:Deuteromycotina is a category of fungi that reproduce asexually and lack a sexual stage.)
2. 许多真菌被归类为Deuteromycotina,因为它们的有性繁殖过程尚未被发现。(中文翻译:Many fungi are classified as Deuteromycotina because their sexual reproduction process has not yet been discovered.)
3. Deuteromycotina是真菌界下的一个大类别,包括许多有害的病原体。(中文翻译:Deuteromycotina is a large category of fungi that includes many harmful pathogens.)
4. Deuteromycotina是一类真菌,它们通过无性繁殖产生孢子,比如白色念珠菌。(中文翻译:Deuteromycotina is a type of fungi that produce spores through asexual reproduction, such as Candida albicans.)
5. 许多Deuteromycotina真菌会导致人类和动物的真菌感染病,如银屑病。(中文翻译:Many Deuteromycotina fungi can cause fungal infections in humans and animals, such as psoriasis.)
6. 菌核胞子被广泛认为是Deuteromycotina真菌的经典特征。(中文翻译:Conidiospores are widely regarded as a classic feature of Deuteromycotina fungi.)
7. 许多Deuteromycotina真菌是人类食品和饮料的污染源。(中文翻译:Many Deuteromycotina fungi are sources of contamination in human food and drink.)
8. Deuteromycotina真菌有着广泛的生态和医学意义,因此引起了科学家们的高度关注。(中文翻译:Deuteromycotina fungi have wide ecological and medical significance, so they have attracted significant attention from scientists.)
9. Deuteromycotina真菌在真菌分类学中占有重要地位,但现在被认为是一个过时的概念。(中文翻译:Deuteromycotina fungi have an important place in mycology, but are now considered an outdated concept.)