'Dolichopteryx longipes'是拉丁语,中文翻译为“长足长翅鱼”。
以下是含有'Dolichopteryx longipes'的9个例句:
1. Dolichopteryx longipes 是一种深海鱼类,生活在1000米至2000米的深度范围内。
Translation: 'Dolichopteryx longipes' is a deep-sea fish that lives at depths ranging from 1000 meters to 2000 meters.
2. 这种鱼类长而细长的尾巴和鳍使得 Dolichopteryx longipes 在水中游动更快。
Translation: The long and slender tail and fins of this fish make 'Dolichopteryx longipes' swim faster in the water.
3. 这种深海鱼的名字叫 Dolichopteryx longipes,它们以浮游生物为食。
Translation: This deep-sea fish is called 'Dolichopteryx longipes', and they feed on plankton.
4. 它们的身体通常黑色或棕色,给人一种神秘的感觉,Dolichopteryx longipes 是许多深海探险的宝贵发现之一。
Translation: Their bodies are usually black or brown, giving people a mysterious feeling. 'Dolichopteryx longipes' is one of the valuable discoveries of many deep-sea explorations.
5. 这种鱼拥有长足和长翅膀,因此被称为 Dolichopteryx longipes。
Translation: This fish has long feet and long wings and is therefore called 'Dolichopteryx longipes'.
6. Dolichopteryx longipes 身体纺锤形,身长可达1.5米。
Translation: 'Dolichopteryx longipes' has a spindle-shaped body and can grow up to 1.5 meters long.
7. Dolichopteryx longipes 生活在深海中,因此很少能被人们看到。
Translation: 'Dolichopteryx longipes' lives in the deep sea and is therefore rarely seen by people.
8. 这种深海鱼类的鳍长而窄,使得它们能够在水中自如游动,包括 Dolichopteryx longipes。
Translation: The long and narrow fins of this deep-sea fish enable them to swim freely in the water, including 'Dolichopteryx longipes'.
9. Dolichopteryx longipes 不仅是一个有趣的物种,也为科学家研究深海生态系统提供了重要的数据。
Translation: 'Dolichopteryx longipes' is not only an interesting species but also provides important data for scientists to study deep-sea ecosystems.