1. Calcitriol is a hormone that regulates calcium in the body.(活性维生素D3是一种调节体内钙平衡的激素。)
2. Studies have shown that calcitriol can improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures.(研究表明,活性维生素D3可以改善骨密度,减少骨折的风险。)
3. Patients with kidney failure may require calcitriol supplementation to prevent bone disease.(肾功能衰竭患者可能需要补充活性维生素D3来预防骨病。)
4. Calcitriol can also affect immune function and may have potential therapeutic uses in autoimmune diseases.(活性维生素D3还可以影响免疫功能,可能在自身免疫疾病的治疗中具有潜在的用途。)
5. Elevated levels of calcitriol are seen in some types of cancer.(某些类型的癌症中可以观察到活性维生素D3水平升高。)
6. Calcitriol is available as a medication for the treatment of hypocalcemia and osteoporosis.(活性维生素D3可作为药物用于治疗低钙血症和骨质疏松症。)
7. The production of calcitriol is regulated by parathyroid hormone and calcium levels in the body.(活性维生素D3的生成受副甲状腺激素和体内钙离子水平的调节。)
8. Calcitriol deficiency can lead to rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.(活性维生素D3缺乏可以导致儿童佝偻病和成人软骨病。)
9. Vitamin D supplements can be converted to calcitriol in the body, providing the benefits of this active form.(维生素D补充剂可以在体内转化为活性维生素D3,提供这种活性形式的益处。)