'Francis Hutcheson'是苏格兰的词语,中文翻译为“弗朗西斯·哈切森”。
弗朗西斯·哈切森(Francis Hutcheson)是18世纪苏格兰伦理学家、美学家、神学家,他的主要作品有《伦理学原理》和《美学原理》等。
以下是9个含有“Francis Hutcheson”的例句:
1. Francis Hutcheson在他的伦理学原理中提倡了道德感性论。
(Francis Hutcheson advocated moral sentimentalism in his Principles of Morals.)
2. 弗朗西斯·哈切森认为善良是人性的本质。
(Francis Hutcheson believed that benevolence was the essence of human nature.)
3. Francis Hutcheson是18世纪苏格兰的一位哲学家和美学家。
(Francis Hutcheson was a philosopher and aesthetician in 18th century Scotland.)
4. 法国启蒙运动时期的思想家们深受Francis Hutcheson的影响。
(The thinkers of the French Enlightenment were deeply influenced by Francis Hutcheson.)
5. Francis Hutcheson的道德理论为康德的道德哲学奠定了基础。
(Francis Hutcheson's moral theory laid the foundation for Kant's moral philosophy.)
6. Francis Hutcheson强调了美与审美的主观性。
(Francis Hutcheson emphasized the subjectivity of beauty and aesthetics.)
7. Francis Hutcheson认为艺术是通过情感和想像力来表达的。
(Francis Hutcheson believed that art was expressed through emotion and imagination.)
8. Francis Hutcheson在他的美学原理中探讨了审美的自然和普遍性。
(Francis Hutcheson explored the naturalness and universality of aesthetics in his Principles of Beauty.)
9. 弗朗西斯·哈切森的思想对苏格兰启蒙运动和政治思想产生了深远的影响。
(Francis Hutcheson's ideas had a profound impact on the Scottish Enlightenment and political thought.)