strontium是什么意思 strontium的读音、翻译、用法

strontium是什么意思 strontium的读音、翻译、用法




1. Strontium supplements can help to strengthen bones.(锶补充剂可以帮助加强骨骼。)

2. Strontium-90 is a radioactive isotope of strontium.(锶90是锶的一种放射性同位素。)

3. Strontium is used in fireworks to produce red colors.(锶被用于烟花中制造红色。)

4. The strontium ion has a charge of +2.(锶离子的电荷为+2。)

5. The strontium atom has 38 protons in its nucleus.(锶原子的核中有38个质子。)

6. Strontium chloride can be used to treat tooth sensitivity.(氯化锶可用于治疗牙齿敏感。)

7. Strontium titanate is a popular material for making gemstones.(钛酸锶是制作宝石的常用材料。)

8. The strontium concentration in the water was found to be too high.(发现水中的锶浓度过高。)

9. Strontium is commonly found in soil and rocks.(锶常见于土壤和岩石中。)

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