1. I mixed black and white pigments together to make gray.(我将黑色和白色颜料混合在一起制作灰色。)
2. The artist used a variety of pigments to create the vibrant colors of the sunset.(艺术家使用各种颜料创造了日落绚丽的色彩。)
3. The pigments in this ink are very high quality, so they will not fade over time.(这种墨水中的颜料质量很高,因此它们不会随着时间而褪色。)
4. She added a few drops of pigment to the mixture to create a more intense shade of blue.(她在混合物中加入了几滴颜料,以创造出更强烈的蓝色。)
5. The pigments used in ancient Egyptian art were made from natural materials like plants and minerals.(古埃及艺术中使用的颜料是由植物和矿物等自然材料制成的。)
6. The artist mixed different pigments in order to achieve the perfect shade of green.(艺术家混合了不同的颜料,以达到完美的绿色。)
7. The pigments in this paint are very bright and vibrant.(这种油漆中的颜料非常鲜艳而生动。)
8. I accidentally spilled some pigment on my shirt and it won't come out!(我不小心把一些颜料洒在了我的衬衫上,它不会洗掉!)
9. The pigments used in medieval manuscript illuminations were often made from rare and expensive materials.(中世纪手稿的插图中使用的颜料通常是由稀有且昂贵的材料制成的。)