1. The Bidens plant is native to North America. (Bidens植物原产于北美。)
2. The leaves of the Bidens plant are shaped like feathers. (Bidens植物的叶子像羽毛一样的形状。)
3. Be careful when handling Bidens fruit as the small thorns can be sharp. (处理Bidens果实时要小心,因为小刺可能很尖。)
4. The Bidens plant can grow up to 6 feet tall in the right conditions. (在适当的条件下,Bidens植物可以长到6英尺高。)
5. Bidens flowers are known for attracting bees and butterflies. (Bidens花因吸引蜜蜂和蝴蝶而闻名。)
6. The Bidens genus includes over 200 species of plants. (Bidens属包括200多种植物。)
7. Some species of Bidens are used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments. (一些Bidens物种在传统医学中用于治疗各种疾病。)
8. The Bidens plant prefers moist soil and full sun. (Bidens植物喜欢湿润的土壤和充足的阳光。)
9. The Bidens plant is also known as a "tickseed" due to the shape of its seeds. (由于其种子的形状,Bidens植物也被称为“蜱子草”。)