Kosho是什么意思 Kosho的读音、翻译、用法

Kosho是什么意思 Kosho的读音、翻译、用法



1. Kosho-ryu Kempo是一种将日本传统武术和中国武术结合而成的综合体。

(Kosho-ryu Kempo is a comprehensive system that combines traditional Japanese and Chinese martial arts.)

2. 在学习Kosho时,要学会如何控制呼吸和集中注意力。

(In learning Kosho, it is important to learn how to control your breathing and focus your attention.)

3. 这个Kosho的教练让学生清楚地明白了每一个动作的意义和目的。

(The Kosho instructor made sure the students understood the meaning and purpose of each movement.)

4. Kosho有助于促进身体和心灵的健康和平衡。

(Kosho is helpful in promoting physical and mental health and balance.)

5. 我们最近开始了一门Kosho课程,我很兴奋能够学习新的技能。

(We recently started a Kosho course and I'm excited to learn new skills.)

6. Kosho需要很强的自我控制和毅力,因为它需要长时间的练习才能得到进步。

(Kosho requires strong self-control and perseverance as it takes a long time to make progress through practice.)

7. Kosho的某些练习可以增强身体的力量和柔韧性。

(Some Kosho exercises can help increase strength and flexibility in the body.)

8. Kosho的一些动作可以帮助缓解压力和焦虑。

(Some Kosho movements can help relieve stress and anxiety.)

9. 这个Kosho俱乐部在这个城市非常受欢迎,我们每周有很多人参加。

(This Kosho club is very popular in the city, with many people attending weekly.)

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