carbarsone是什么意思 carbarsone的读音、翻译、用法

carbarsone是什么意思 carbarsone的读音、翻译、用法

'carbarsone' 不是任何国家的语言,它是一种英语单词。它可以翻译为“卡巴松”或“卡巴松酸钠”,是一种有机砷化合物,曾被广泛用作杀虫剂、杀菌剂和抗菌剂。以下是9个含有该词语的例句:

1. The use of carbarsone in poultry farming has been banned in many countries due to its harmful effects on human health.(卡巴松在禽类养殖中的使用已经在许多国家被禁止,因为它对人体健康有害。)

2. Carbarsone has been found to be effective in controlling coccidiosis in chickens. (卡巴松被发现对控制鸡球虫病有效。)

3. The levels of carbarsone residues in chicken meat and eggs are strictly regulated by the government. (卡巴松残留物在鸡肉和鸡蛋中的含量受政府严格监管。)

4. The use of carbarsone as a feed additive has been shown to increase the growth rate of pigs. (卡巴松作为饲料添加剂的使用已被证明可以增加猪的生长速度。)

5. Carbarsone is highly toxic to aquatic animals and can cause serious environmental pollution. (卡巴松对水生动物具有高度毒性,可以导致严重的环境污染。)

6. The production of carbarsone has been discontinued due to its toxic properties and negative effects on the environment. (由于卡巴松具有毒性和对环境的负面影响,其生产已经停止。)

7. The use of carbarsone has been banned in the European Union since 1991. (自xx年以来,卡巴松在欧盟范围内被禁止使用。)

8. The residues of carbarsone in soil can persist for years and pose a risk to human health. (卡巴松在土壤中的残留物可以持续多年,对人类健康构成风险。)

9. The toxicity of carbarsone can be enhanced in the presence of other chemicals, such as heavy metals. (在存在其他化学物质如重金属的情况下,卡巴松的毒性可以增强。)

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