1. Tetrachlorvinphos is widely used in agriculture to control pests on crops. (四氯松广泛用于农业,用于控制作物上的害虫。)
2. The government has banned the use of tetrachlorvinphos in household pesticides. (政府已经禁止在家庭杀虫剂中使用四氯松。)
3. The toxicity of tetrachlorvinphos can cause serious health problems for humans and animals. (四氯松的毒性会对人类和动物造成严重的健康问题。)
4. The regulation of tetrachlorvinphos in food products has become more stringent in recent years. (近年来,对食品中四氯松的监管变得更加严格。)
5. Tetrachlorvinphos is one of the most commonly used chemicals in veterinary medicine. (四氯松是兽医学中使用最普遍的化学物质之一。)
6. The use of tetrachlorvinphos has been linked to the decline of bee populations. (使用四氯松与蜜蜂数量的下降有关。)
7. Environmental activists have called for a complete ban on tetrachlorvinphos. (环保人士呼吁全面禁止使用四氯松。)
8. The government has imposed strict limits on the amount of tetrachlorvinphos that can be present in drinking water. (政府对饮用水中允许存在的四氯松数量实施了严格的限制。)
9. Some studies suggest that exposure to tetrachlorvinphos may increase the risk of certain cancers. (一些研究表明,接触四氯松可能会增加某些癌症的风险。)