Germaine Greer是什么意思 Germaine Greer的读音、翻译、用法

Germaine Greer是什么意思 Germaine Greer的读音、翻译、用法

'Germaine Greer'是英语,翻译成中文为杰曼·格里尔。Germaine Greer是一位澳大利亚的女性学家、作家和广播员,以其对女性主义的贡献和影响而闻名于世界。


1. Germaine Greer is one of the most important feminist thinkers of the 20th century.(杰曼·格里尔是20世纪最重要的女权主义思想家之一。)

2. In her book “The Female Eunuch,” Germaine Greer challenged the traditional notions of femininity.(杰曼·格里尔在她的书《女性宦者》中挑战了传统的女性气质观念。)

3. Germaine Greer delivered a powerful speech on gender equality at the United Nations.(杰曼·格里尔在联合国发表了一篇关于性别平等的有力演讲。)

4. Many people regard Germaine Greer as a controversial figure in feminist circles.(许多人认为杰曼·格里尔是女权主义圈子中一个具有争议的人物。)

5. Germaine Greer's writing has inspired generations of women to fight for their rights.(杰曼·格里尔的作品启发了几代女性为自己的权利而战。)

6. Germaine Greer's theories on the female body have been influential in the field of gender studies.(杰曼·格里尔关于女性身体的理论在性别研究领域具有影响力。)

7. Germaine Greer has been a vocal critic of beauty standards and their impact on women.(杰曼·格里尔一直是对美丽标准及其对女性的影响进行声音批评的人。)

8. Germaine Greer's views on sexual liberation have been both praised and criticized.(杰曼·格里尔对性解放的观点备受赞扬和批评。)

9. Germaine Greer's latest book explores the intersection of race and gender in modern society.(杰曼·格里尔的最新书籍探索了种族和性别在现代社会中的交叉点。)

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