Brugia malayi是什么意思 Brugia malayi的读音、翻译、用法

Brugia malayi是什么意思 Brugia malayi的读音、翻译、用法

'Brugia malayi'是英文词汇,其中文翻译为“马来丝线虫”,是一种人类寄生虫,通过蚊子叮咬传播。它是引起淋巴丝虫病的主要病原体之一,这是一种广泛分布的寄生虫病。

以下是9个含有“Brugia malayi”的例句(使用英语和中文):

1. The transmission of Brugia malayi is dependent on the presence of its mosquito vector.(Brugia malayi的传播取决于其蚊虫媒介的存在。)

2. Control measures for Brugia malayi involve both mosquito control and drug treatment.(Brugia malayi的控制措施包括蚊虫控制和药物治疗。)

3. Researchers are studying the genetic makeup of Brugia malayi in order to develop better therapies.(研究人员正在研究Brugia malayi的基因组成,以开发更好的治疗方法。)

4. The discovery of Brugia malayi in a mosquito population prompted an intensive public health campaign.(在蚊子种群中发现Brugia malayi,引发了一场大规模的公共卫生运动。)

5. Endemic regions for Brugia malayi include many areas throughout Southeast Asia.(Brugia malayi的流行区域包括东南亚许多地区。)

6. Early symptoms of Brugia malayi infection include swelling in the limbs and groin.(Brugia malayi感染的早期症状包括肢体和腹股沟肿胀。)

7. Brugia malayi can cause severe chronic illness and disability if left untreated.(如果不及时治疗,Brugia malayi可能会引起严重的慢性疾病和残疾。)

8. The Brugia malayi parasite lives in the lymphatic system of its human host.(Brugia malayi寄生虫生活在其人类宿主的淋巴系统中。)

9. Efforts to eliminate Brugia malayi have been hindered by issues such as drug resistance and lack of resources.(消灭Brugia malayi的努力受到了药物抵抗和资源缺乏等问题的阻碍。)

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