'Joshua Norton'是英语词汇,可以翻译为“约书亚·诺顿”。它指的是19世纪旧金山的一个古怪人物,他自封为“整个美洲的皇帝”,并在当地拥有一定影响力。后来,他被认为是早期美国文化的一部分,甚至被视为反文化的象征。
1. Joshua Norton被视为旧金山的传奇人物,他在当地很受欢迎。
(Joshua Norton is regarded as a legendary figure in San Francisco and is popular there.)
2. Joshua Norton自封为“整个美洲的皇帝”,但他并没有实际的政治权力。
(Joshua Norton proclaimed himself as the "Emperor of the United States" but had no actual political power.)
3. Joshua Norton在他的生命中没有得到任何具体成就,但他的故事激励了许多人。
(Joshua Norton achieved no specific accomplishments in his life, but his story has inspired many.)
4. Joshua Norton的行为被认为是一种反文化的象征。
(Joshua Norton's behavior is regarded as a symbol of counterculture.)
5. Joshua Norton的故事被广泛传颂,并在文化中留下了印记。
(The story of Joshua Norton is widely recounted and has left a cultural imprint.)
6. Joshua Norton的自封行为在当地引起了很多争议。
(Joshua Norton's self-proclaimed title caused a lot of controversy locally.)
7. Joshua Norton被认为是19世纪美国历史上最古怪的人物之一。
(Joshua Norton is regarded as one of the quirkiest figures in 19th-century American history.)
8. Joshua Norton尝试推动一些政治变革,但他的努力没有成功。
(Joshua Norton attempted to push for some political reforms, but his efforts were unsuccessful.)
9. Joshua Norton的故事成为了美国文化遗产中的一部分,并在全球获得了关注。
(The story of Joshua Norton has become a part of American cultural heritage and has gained attention worldwide.)