1. 日本的'zaibatsu'在战后解散了。
The 'zaibatsu' in Japan were dissolved after the war.
2. 明治维新后,日本的'zaibatsu'逐渐崛起。
After the Meiji Restoration, 'zaibatsu' in Japan gradually rose.
3. 日本的'zaibatsu'通常由一个家族掌握。
'Zaibatsu' in Japan are usually controlled by one family.
4. 'zaibatsu'的企业之间通常有着共同的利益和经营理念。
The companies in 'zaibatsu' usually have common interests and business philosophy.
5. 'zaibatsu'集中经营在几个产业领域。
'Zaibatsu' concentrate their business in several industry fields.
6. 许多日本企业都是由'zaibatsu'分裂出来的。
Many Japanese companies were spun off from 'zaibatsu'.
7. 在日本战后重建经济的过程中,'zaibatsu'得到了重新组织和重新定义。
During the process of rebuilding the economy in post-war Japan, 'zaibatsu' were reorganized and redefined.
8. 'zaibatsu'的崛起和垮台反映了日本历史上经济、政治和社会变迁的进程。
The rise and fall of 'zaibatsu' reflected the process of economic, political and social changes in Japanese history.
9. 日本的'zaibatsu'在某些方面与韩国的'chaebol'相似。
'Zaibatsu' in Japan are similar to 'chaebol' in South Korea in some ways.