Hoplolaimus galeatus是什么意思 Hoplolaimus galeatus的读音、翻译、用法

Hoplolaimus galeatus是什么意思 Hoplolaimus galeatus的读音、翻译、用法

'Hoplolaimus galeatus'是拉丁语,翻译成中文是“戴盔跳线虫”。这个词语指的是一种寄生在植物根部的线虫,它们会危害植物的生长和产量。主要包括南方根结线虫、根结线虫、戴盔跳线虫、根瘤线虫等几种。

以下是9个含有“Hoplolaimus galeatus”的例句:

1. The field was heavily infested with 'Hoplolaimus galeatus' and the crop yield was greatly reduced.(这片田地严重感染了戴盔跳线虫,作物产量大幅下降。)

2. The most effective treatment against 'Hoplolaimus galeatus' is crop rotation.(防治戴盔跳线虫最有效的方法是轮作。)

3. 'Hoplolaimus galeatus' can cause wilting and yellowing of plant leaves.(戴盔跳线虫会导致植物叶片枯萎和变黄。)

4. The population of 'Hoplolaimus galeatus' in the soil can be reduced by using nematicides.(使用线虫灭杀剂可以减少土壤中戴盔跳线虫的数量。)

5. 'Hoplolaimus galeatus' is a major pest of several important crops such as soybean, cotton and peanut.(戴盔跳线虫是大豆、棉花和花生等几种重要作物的主要害虫。)

6. The economic losses caused by 'Hoplolaimus galeatus' can be significant.(戴盔跳线虫造成的经济损失可能是巨大的。)

7. Crop rotation is an effective way to control 'Hoplolaimus galeatus' as it reduces the host plant population.(轮作是控制戴盔跳线虫的有效方法,因为它可以减少寄主植物的数量。)

8. 'Hoplolaimus galeatus' feeds on plant roots and can cause stunted growth and reduced yield.(戴盔跳线虫以植物根部为食,会导致植物生长受阻和产量下降。)

9. The life cycle of 'Hoplolaimus galeatus' includes egg, juvenile and adult stages.(戴盔跳线虫的生命周期包括卵、幼虫和成虫三个阶段。)

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