1. 'vet'是英语词汇,翻译为“兽医”,指专门从事动物健康和疾病治疗的医生。
2. 他是一位资深的兽医,专门治疗马。
He is a senior vet who specializes in treating horses.
3. 我们需要带猫去看兽医,因为它一直在咳嗽。
We need to take the cat to the vet because it has been coughing.
4. 兽医检查后,发现狗狗的牙齿需要进行清洗。
After the vet examination, it was found that the dog's teeth need to be cleaned.
5. 她想成为一名兽医,以帮助那些生病的动物。
She wants to become a vet to help animals who are sick.
6. 兽医拍了一张照片,记录下了病情的变化。
The vet took a photo to record changes in the condition.
7. 兽医给狗狗打了一针药,以治疗它的皮肤病。
The vet gave the dog a shot of medicine to treat its skin disease.
8. 这只鸟飞进了窗户,我们需要带它去看兽医。
The bird flew into the window and we need to take it to the vet.
9. 兽医给我一些建议,帮我更好地照顾我的宠物。
The vet gave me some advice to help me take care of my pet better.