'serval' 是英语词汇,中文翻译为“非洲豹猫”。这是一种生活在非洲大陆的小型猫科动物,身长约 1 米,体重可达 18 公斤。它拥有短而密集的斑点花纹,长而灵活的耳朵和强健的腿部,是一种优秀的猎手。
以下是 9 个含有 'serval' 的例句:
1. The serval hunts primarily during the night.(非洲豹猫主要在夜间狩猎。)
2. Servals are known for their excellent jumping ability.(非洲豹猫以其出色的跳跃能力而闻名。)
3. The serval's coat provides excellent camouflage in its natural habitat.(非洲豹猫的毛皮在其自然栖息地提供了出色的伪装。)
4. African tribes have long venerated the serval as a symbol of speed and agility.(非洲部落长期以来一直以非洲豹猫作为速度和敏捷的象征。)
5. Servals use their long ears to detect the slightest sounds of their prey.(非洲豹猫利用其长耳朵来探测猎物最微小的声音。)
6. The serval's diet consists primarily of small rodents and birds.(非洲豹猫的饮食主要包括小型啮齿动物和鸟类。)
7. The serval is an important predator in the African savanna ecosystem.(非洲豹猫是非洲草原生态系统中重要的掠食者。)
8. Servals are solitary animals that prefer to hunt alone.(非洲豹猫是孤独的动物,喜欢独自狩猎。)
9. The serval's distinctive markings help it blend in with the grasses of the African plains.(非洲豹猫独特的斑纹让它能够与非洲平原的草丛融为一体。)