1. Seriola quinqueradiataは高級寿司のネタとして有名である。
2. In Australia, seriola lalandi is commonly known as yellowtail kingfish.
3. El sashimi de seriola es uno de los platos más populares en la gastronomía japonesa.
4. Seriola rivoliana is also known as Almaco jack.
5. Seriola carpenteri is found in the waters off southern Australia and New Zealand.
6. 黄尾鱼炖豆腐是一道美味营养的家常菜。
(Seriola and tofu stew is a delicious and nutritious home-cooked dish.)
7. Seriola dumerili es una especie de pez de la familia Carangidae.
8. The seriola fishery is an important industry in Japan.
9. Seriola lalandi is a popular fish for aquaculture due to its fast growth and high market value.