'Tortrix' 是英语单词,可以翻译为“鳞翅目蛾类”。这个词语通常用于描述一种小型蛾类昆虫,这种昆虫的翅膀呈三角形,中间凸出,外型像一块卷饼。
1. The Tortrix moth is a common pest in orchards.(鳞翅目飞蛾是果园中常见的害虫。)
2. The larvae of Tortrix moths can cause significant damage to crops.(鳞翅目飞蛾幼虫会对农作物造成显著的破坏。)
3. The Tortrix caterpillar is known for its ability to spin a cocoon.(鳞翅目毛毛虫以其纺织茧的能力而闻名。)
4. The Tortrix species found in this region are particularly colorful.(在这个地区发现的鳞翅目物种非常丰富多彩。)
5. The Tortrix moth is attracted to certain types of fruit trees.(鳞翅目飞蛾对某些类型的果树有吸引力。)
6. The Tortrix larvae feed on the leaves of apple trees.(鳞翅目幼虫以苹果树的叶子为食。)
7. The Tortrix moth is a member of the moths and butterflies family.(鳞翅目飞蛾是蛾与蝴蝶科的成员。)
8. The Tortrix caterpillar can cause significant damage to grape vines.(鳞翅目毛毛虫会对葡萄藤造成显著的破坏。)
9. The Tortrix moths are a fascinating subject for entomologists to study.(鳞翅目飞蛾是昆虫学家研究的一个极具吸引力的研究课题。)