flashback是什么意思 flashback的读音、翻译、用法

flashback是什么意思 flashback的读音、翻译、用法



1. I had a flashback to my childhood when I saw that toy again.(我看到那个玩具时,我回忆起了我的童年。)

2. The soldier had a flashback to the war when he heard the loud noise.(士兵听到巨响时,他回忆起了战争。)

3. She had a flashback to the car accident when she saw a similar car.(她看到类似的车时,她回忆起了车祸。)

4. The movie uses flashbacks to tell the story.(电影使用闪回来讲述故事。)

5. His flashback was triggered by the familiar scent.(他对香味的回忆被激发了。)

6. The book has a lot of flashbacks that provide important context.(这本书有很多闪回,提供了重要的背景信息。)

7. She experienced a flashback of her mother's voice when she heard a similar accent.(她听到类似的口音时,她回忆起了母亲的声音。)

8. The character's flashback reveals a traumatic event from his past.(角色的闪回揭示了他过去的创伤事件。)

9. The director used flashbacks to show the protagonist's journey.(导演使用闪回来展示主角的旅程。)

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