1. Cynognathus是三叠纪时期的其中一种哺乳动物,具有强大的狩猎能力。(英语:Cynognathus was one of the mammals in the Triassic period with powerful hunting ability.)
2. Cynognathus的牙齿非常锐利,能够轻松咬开其他动物的硬壳。(英语:Cynognathus had very sharp teeth and could easily bite through the hard shells of other animals.)
3. Cynognathus的头部类似犬类,因此被称为“犬颌兽”。(英语:Cynognathus has a head similar to canines, hence the name "dog-jawed".)
4. Cynognathus是一种典型的三叠纪中期哺乳动物,具有很强的适应能力。(英语:Cynognathus is a typical mammal of the mid-Triassic period, with strong adaptability.)
5. Cynognathus曾经是史前时代最危险的掠食者之一。(英语:Cynognathus was once one of the most dangerous predators in prehistoric times.)
6. Cynognathus的化石已被发现于许多国家,如南非、中国和阿根廷。(英语:Cynognathus fossils have been found in many countries such as South Africa, China, and Argentina.)
7. Cynognathus的牙齿非常锋利,每只牙齿都有多个锋利的齿尖。(英语:Cynognathus had very sharp teeth, each tooth having multiple sharp tips.)
8. Cynognathus的颌骨非常强壮,可以轻松咬住猎物。(英语:Cynognathus had a very strong jaw bone, allowing it to easily bite its prey.)
9. Cynognathus是哺乳动物进化史上的一个重要阶段,标志着哺乳动物开始成为地球上的主要动物之一。(英语:Cynognathus represents an important stage in the evolution of mammals, marking the beginning of mammals becoming one of the dominant animals on earth.)