Fritz Heider是奥地利的词语,翻译为弗里茨·海德尔。他是20世纪著名的社会心理学者和行为科学家,对于社会认知领域做出了贡献,发展了人们对于认知和情感过程的理解。
以下是9个含有Fritz Heider的例句:
1. Fritz Heider提出了社会心理学领域的知名理论,他的工作一直影响着该领域的研究方向。
(Fritz Heider proposed a well-known theory in the field of social psychology, and his work has always influenced research directions in this field.)
2. Fritz Heider在20世纪的研究为现代心理学的发展做出重要的贡献。
(Fritz Heider's work in the 20th century made important contributions to the development of modern psychology.)
3. Fritz Heider的贡献包括发展了社会认知理论和探索了人们对于他人行为的解释方式。
(Fritz Heider's contributions include the development of social cognitive theory and exploration of how people explain others' behavior.)
4. Fritz Heider的理论对于教育心理学领域也有应用,帮助人们更好地理解学生的行为和学习过程。
(Fritz Heider's theory also has applications in the field of educational psychology, helping people better understand students' behavior and learning process.)
5. Fritz Heider的工作深入探讨了人类的情感和认知过程,为心理学领域带来了重大的突破。
(Fritz Heider's work delved deep into human emotion and cognitive processes, bringing significant breakthroughs to the field of psychology.)
6. Fritz Heider的理论强调了人们对他人行为解释的重要性,影响了整个社会心理学领域的研究方向。
(Fritz Heider's theory emphasizes the importance of how people explain others' behavior, influencing research directions across the entire field of social psychology.)
7. Fritz Heider的工作为心理治疗师提供了更好地理解和处理患者问题的方法。
(Fritz Heider's work provides therapists with better ways to understand and address patient issues.)
8. Fritz Heider的理论对于领导学习和组织管理也有应用,帮助人们更好地理解和管理组织内部的行为和决策。
(Fritz Heider's theory also has applications in leadership and organizational management, helping people better understand and manage behavior and decision-making within organizations.)
9. Fritz Heider的贡献为心理学领域揭示了人类行为和情感背后的深层次原因和模式,并为未来的研究提供了坚实的基础。
(Fritz Heider's contributions revealed the underlying reasons and patterns behind human behavior and emotion in the field of psychology, providing a solid foundation for future research.)