'radula' 不是一个国家的语言,而是一个来自拉丁语的单词,意思是“舌齿”,形容某些动物的口器官。
以下是9个含有'radula' 的例句:
1. Some species of snails have a radula covered in tiny teeth used for scraping food.(有些蜗牛的舌齿覆盖着用于刮食物的小牙齿。)
2. The radula of a limpet is very strong, which enables it to scrape algae off rocks.(贻贝的舌齿非常坚固,可以让它从岩石上刮下海藻。)
3. The radula of a chiton is surrounded by a hard toothed plate called the odontophore.(缘足类的舌齿被一个硬的齿状板称为齿舌所包裹。)
4. The radula of a slug can be used as a defense mechanism against predators.(蛞蝓的舌齿可以用作对抗捕食者的防御机制。)
5. Some species of octopuses have a radula covered in tiny hooks used for catching prey.(有些章鱼的舌齿覆盖着用于捕捉猎物的小钩子。)
6. The radula of a sea hare is used to scrape algae off rocks and surfaces.(海兔的舌齿用于从岩石和表面刮掉海藻。)
7. The radula of a marine gastropod is used to scrape algae off rocks and other surfaces.(海洋腹足类的舌齿用于从岩石和其他表面刮掉海藻。)
8. The radula of a tooth shell has rows of small teeth used for scraping food.(牙蛤的舌齿有一排排小牙齿,用于刮食物。)
9. The radula of a razor clam is used to dig into the sand and filter food particles.(剃刀贝的舌齿用于深入沙子并过滤食物颗粒。)