HRSD是什么意思 HRSD的读音、翻译、用法

HRSD是什么意思 HRSD的读音、翻译、用法

HRSD这个词语来源于英语(英文全称为: Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression),它是一种评估抑郁症严重程度的评定工具。常见的翻译包括:汉密尔顿抑郁量表、抑郁症评估量表等。它通常由医生或临床心理医师用于判断患者抑郁症的严重程度和症状。下面是9个含有HRSD词语的例句:

1. The HRSD score of the patient was 24, indicating moderate depression.(该患者HRSD评分为24分,表明他有中度抑郁症。)

2. The HRSD scale has been widely used in clinical research.(HRSD量表已经被广泛应用于临床研究中。)

3. The HRSD scale consists of 17 items assessing mood, appetite, sleep, and other symptoms.(HRSD量表共有17项,评估情绪、食欲、睡眠等症状。)

4. The HRSD score of the patient decreased significantly after receiving treatment.(该患者经过治疗后,HRSD评分显著降低。)

5. The HRSD scale measures both cognitive and somatic symptoms of depression.(HRSD量表同时评估了抑郁症认知和身体症状。)

6. The HRSD scale was designed by Max Hamilton in the 1960s.(HRSD量表是由马克斯·汉密尔顿在20世纪xx年代设计的。)

7. The HRSD scale is not suitable for use in children and adolescents.(HRSD量表不适用于儿童和青少年。)

8. The HRSD scores of patients with different subtypes of depression may vary.(不同亚型抑郁症的患者HRSD评分可能有所不同。)

9. The HRSD scale is one of the most commonly used instruments to evaluate depression in clinical practice.(HRSD量表是临床实践中最常用的评估抑郁症的工具之一。)

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