1. Saprolegniales can cause serious harm to freshwater fish in aquaculture farms.(Saprolegniales可以严重危害水产养殖场中的淡水鱼。)
2. The infection rate of Saprolegniales is high in areas with poor water quality.(水质差的地区Saprolegniales的感染率高。)
3. Studies have shown that certain chemicals can effectively control the growth of Saprolegniales.(研究表明,某些化学物质可以有效地控制Saprolegniales的生长。)
4. Saprolegniales can also affect amphibians such as frogs and salamanders.(Saprolegniales也可以影响蛙类和蝾螈等两栖动物。)
5. Fish farmers must take measures to prevent the outbreak of Saprolegniales.(鱼类养殖户必须采取措施防止Saprolegniales的爆发。)
6. Saprolegniales are often found in stagnant water with high organic content.(Saprolegniales经常出现在有高有机物含量的静水中。)
7. The use of probiotics can help prevent the growth of Saprolegniales in aquaculture.(使用益生菌可以帮助预防水产养殖中Saprolegniales的生长。)
8. Saprolegniales can cause significant losses in the aquaculture industry if not properly managed.(如果不得当地管理,Saprolegniales可能会导致水产养殖业的巨大损失。)
9. Researchers are studying ways to control the spread of Saprolegniales in natural aquatic ecosystems.(研究人员正在研究控制自然水生生态系统中Saprolegniales扩散的方法。)