'Ron Howard'是英语语言,是一位著名的美国电影导演、制片人和演员。他曾执导过多部知名电影,如《美国狙击手》、《大力水手》、《天方夜谭》等。他还是电视剧《逝者之证》的执行制片人。Ron Howard可以翻译为“朗·霍华德”。
以下是9个含有'Ron Howard'的例句:
1. Ron Howard directed the film 'Apollo 13' which tells the story of the failed space mission. (朗·霍华德执导了电影《阿波罗13号》,讲述了失败的太空任务的故事。)
2. The TV show 'Arrested Development' was produced by Ron Howard. (电视剧《废柴联盟》是由朗·霍华德制作的。)
3. Ron Howard's film 'The Da Vinci Code' was adapted from the book of the same name by Dan Brown. (朗·霍华德执导的电影《达芬奇密码》改编自丹·布朗同名小说。)
4. Ron Howard won an Academy Award for Best Director for his film 'A Beautiful Mind'. (朗·霍华德凭借电影《美丽心灵》获得了最佳导演奖项。)
5. Ron Howard's latest film 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' tells the origin story of Han Solo. (朗·霍华德最新的电影《星球大战外传:韩索罗》讲述了韩·索罗的起源故事。)
6. Ron Howard acted in the popular 1960s TV show 'The Andy Griffith Show'. (朗·霍华德曾出演过xx年代流行的电视剧《安迪·格里菲斯秀》。)
7. 'Ron Howard' is a household name for many film fans. (对于许多电影迷来说,“朗·霍华德”是个家喻户晓的名字。)
8. Ron Howard's films have grossed over $2.7 billion worldwide. (朗·霍华德的电影全球票房总收入超过27亿美元。)
9. Ron Howard is known for his ability to tell compelling and emotional stories on screen. (朗·霍华德以在银幕上讲述引人入胜、感人至深的故事而著名。)