Dioscorea rotundata是什么意思 Dioscorea rotundata的读音、翻译、用法

Dioscorea rotundata是什么意思 Dioscorea rotundata的读音、翻译、用法

"Dioscorea rotundata" 是拉丁语,意为“圆形薯蓣”。它是一种非洲地区常见的薯类作物,也被称为非洲薯蓣或烤薯。

以下是含有“Dioscorea rotundata”的9个例句:

1. In Ghana, yams are often made into fufu by pounding cooked Dioscorea rotundata with a mortar and pestle until it forms a smooth dough.(在加纳,人们通常用研磨机把煮熟的Dioscorea rotundata捣成绵软的面团,做成芡粉。)

2. Dioscorea rotundata is a staple food in many parts of West Africa.(Dioscorea rotundata是西非许多地区的主食。)

3. The leaves of Dioscorea rotundata are also edible and often used in soups and stews.(Dioscorea rotundata的叶子也可以食用,常用于制作汤和炖菜。)

4. Nigeria is the world's largest producer of Dioscorea rotundata.(尼日利亚是世界上最大的Dioscorea rotundata生产国。)

5. Dioscorea rotundata can be prepared in a variety of ways, including boiling, frying, and roasting.(Dioscorea rotundata可以用多种方式制作,包括煮、炸和烤。)

6. In Cameroon, a popular dish made with Dioscorea rotundata is kwacoco, which is boiled and served with a spicy sauce.(在喀麦隆,一道用Dioscorea rotundata做的受欢迎的菜肴是kwacoco,煮熟后可以和辣酱一起享用。)

7. Dioscorea rotundata is a good source of carbohydrates and is often used to address food insecurity in Africa.(Dioscorea rotundata是碳水化合物的良好来源,常被用来解决非洲的粮食安全问题。)

8. In Benin, Dioscorea rotundata is often eaten raw as a snack.(在贝宁,Dioscorea rotundata经常作为零食生吃。)

9. The cultivation of Dioscorea rotundata has a long history in Africa, dating back thousands of years.(Dioscorea rotundata的种植在非洲的历史可以追溯到数千年前。)

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