1. Paspalidium flavidum是一种优良的牧草,适合在热带和亚热带地区种植。
(Paspalidium flavidum is an excellent forage grass suitable for cultivation in tropical and subtropical regions.)
2. 这个地区出产的大部分稻米都属于Paspalidium属。
(Most of the rice produced in this region belongs to the genus Paspalidium.)
3. Paspalidium distans是一种在潮湿环境下生长的牧草。
(Paspalidium distans is a forage grass that grows in moist environments.)
4. 该地区的土壤和气候条件非常适合Paspalidium属植物的生长。
(The soil and climatic conditions in this region are ideal for the growth of Paspalidium species.)
5. 在热带地区,Paspalidium属植物是一种重要的作物。
(In tropical regions, Paspalidium species are an important crop.)
6. Paspalidium dilatatum是一种广泛分布的草本植物,被广泛用于生产牛肉。
(Paspalidium dilatatum is a widely distributed herbaceous plant that is widely used in beef production.)
7. 该地区的大部分草地都被Paspalidium属植物所覆盖。
(Most of the grasslands in this region are covered by Paspalidium species.)
8. Paspalidium geminatum是一种具有抗旱能力的植物,适合在干旱地区种植。
(Paspalidium geminatum is a drought-tolerant plant suitable for cultivation in arid areas.)
9. 这种裸花草属植物常常被用于制药和化妆品的生产中。
(This genus of plants is often used in the production of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.)