Acroceras是拉丁语,意为“高山竹”。这个词通常用来指热带地区高山上生长的竹子。它的学名为Acroceras amplectens。
1. Acroceras amplectens是一种前景广阔的竹子,适合在高海拔地区种植。(英语)
Acroceras amplectens is a promising species of bamboo that is suitable for cultivation in high-altitude areas.
2. 这片林地种满了Acroceras竹子,为当地的生态环境做出了巨大的贡献。(印度尼西亚语)
The forest is covered with Acroceras bamboo, making a great contribution to the local ecosystem.
3. 这种高山竹子在自然界中生长缓慢,但是种植它们可以为当地经济发展带来好处。(缅甸语)
The growth of this mountain bamboo is slow in nature, but planting them can bring benefits to the local economy.
4. Acroceras amplectens是一种有着美丽外观的白色竹子。(泰语)
Acroceras amplectens is a beautiful white bamboo.
5. 长期以来,当地人一直在利用Acroceras竹子制作工艺品和建筑材料。(越南语)
For a long time, locals have been using Acroceras bamboo to make crafts and building materials.
6. 这种高山竹子对土壤和水的保持有着非常重要的作用。(印度语)
This mountain bamboo plays a crucial role in soil and water conservation.
7. Acroceras amplectens在高温高湿环境下生长良好,是一种非常耐旱的竹子。(菲律宾语)
Acroceras amplectens grows well in hot and humid environments, and is a very drought-tolerant bamboo.
8. Acroceras竹子是一种美丽的园林植物,能够为景观增添独特的亚热带风格。(马来语)
Acroceras bamboo is a beautiful garden plant that can add a unique subtropical style to the landscape.
9. 这种高山竹子具有很高的实用价值,可以用于制作家具、器皿和篮子等物品。(汉语)
This mountain bamboo has high practical value and can be used to make furniture, utensils, baskets, and other items.