'thalamus' 不是国家的语言,而是一种生物学术语,指大脑的一个重要结构,主管运动、感觉和认知等方面的信息传递。中文翻译为“丘脑”。
1. The thalamus is a key gateway for sensory information to reach the cortex.(丘脑是感官信息到达皮层的关键通道。)
2. Damage to the thalamus can cause a range of neurological symptoms.(丘脑受损可以导致一系列的神经症状。)
3. Neurons in the thalamus can synchronize their firing in response to external stimuli.(丘脑中的神经元可以在外部刺激下同步放电。)
4. The thalamus plays a crucial role in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness.(丘脑在调节睡眠和清醒方面起着至关重要的作用。)
5. Studies have shown that thalamic activity can be altered by certain drugs.(研究表明,某些药物可以改变丘脑的活动。)
6. The thalamus is connected to various parts of the brain, including the basal ganglia and cerebellum.(丘脑与大脑的多个部位相连,包括基底节和小脑。)
7. In some neurological disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, the thalamus is often affected.(在某些神经系统疾病如多发性硬化症中,丘脑经常受到影响。)
8. The thalamus is involved in processing both physical and emotional pain.(丘脑参与物理和情感疼痛的处理。)
9. The thalamus is one of the earliest brain regions to develop in embryonic development.(丘脑是胚胎发育中最早发育的脑区之一。)