1. St. Vincent and the Grenadines的首府是Kingstown。(St. Vincent and the Grenadines的首府是金斯敦。)
2. Kingstown是美国乔治亚州的一个城市。(Kingstown是美国乔治亚州的一个城市。)
3. Kingstown是圣基茨和尼维斯的首都。(金斯敦是圣基茨和尼维斯的首都。)
4. 他们的家乡Kingstown是一个美丽的港口城市。(Their hometown of Kingstown is a beautiful port city.)
5. 在St. Vincent and the Grenadines旅游时,一定要去金斯敦的市场。(When traveling in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, be sure to visit the market in Kingstown.)
6. Kingstown的历史可以追溯到17世纪。(The history of Kingstown dates back to the 17th century.)
7. 在美国南部的Kingstown,您可以找到当地最好的烤鸡。(In Kingstown in the southern United States, you can find the best roasted chicken in the area.)
8. Kingstown是圣基茨和尼维斯最大的城市。(Kingstown is the largest city in St. Kitts and Nevis.)
9. 在Kingstown的遗址上,发现了一些有关于阿拉伯和中国贸易的物品。(At the site of Kingstown, some items related to Arab and Chinese trade were discovered. )