1. I prefer whiskey to beer.(我更喜欢威士忌胜过啤酒。)
2. He ordered a glass of whiskey at the bar.(他在酒吧点了一杯威士忌。)
3. She likes to mix her whiskey with coke.(她喜欢把威士忌和可乐混在一起。)
4. The bartender poured a shot of whiskey into the glass.(酒保倒了一杯威士忌进杯子。)
5. We celebrated his promotion with a bottle of whiskey.(我们用一瓶威士忌庆祝他的升职。)
6. He's a whiskey connoisseur and knows all the best brands.(他是威士忌行家,懂所有最好的品牌。)
7. I like my whiskey neat, without any mixers.(我喜欢纯威士忌,不加任何混合剂。)
8. She sipped her whiskey slowly, savoring the flavor.(她慢慢地品尝着威士忌,享受它的味道。)
9. The whiskey had a smoky aroma and a smooth, rich taste.(这种威士忌有烟熏的香气和柔和、浓郁的味道。)