"Perry Mason"是一部美国悬疑法庭剧。它最初是基于由Earl Stanley Gardner创作的同名小说系列改编而来的。这部剧以主角Perry Mason为中心,围绕着各种复杂的案件展开。Perry Mason是一位执业律师,拥有很高的聪明才智和对细节的敏锐感。这个词语可以翻译为“佩里·梅森”。
以下是9个含有“Perry Mason”的例句:
1. "我朋友最喜欢看的美剧是Perry Mason。" (My friend's favorite American TV drama is Perry Mason.)
2. "我刚刚看了Perry Mason的最新一集,这个案子真是扣人心弦。" (I just watched the latest episode of Perry Mason and the case was really thrilling.)
3. "Perry Mason的追随者们怀念Raymond Burr扮演的角色。" (Fans of Perry Mason remember Raymond Burr's portrayal of the character.)
4. "Perry Mason被称为经典悬疑法庭剧,它始于20世纪xx年代。" (Perry Mason is known as a classic suspense courtroom drama that began in the 1950s.)
5. "我昨晚看了一集Perry Mason,感觉真是太棒了。" (I watched an episode of Perry Mason last night and it was really great.)
6. "Perry Mason的情节非常紧凑,一次充分利用了60分钟。" (The plot of Perry Mason is very tight and makes full use of the 60-minute runtime.)
7. "Perry Mason是一部经典电视剧,它深受美国观众的喜爱。" (Perry Mason is a classic TV drama that is beloved by American audiences.)
8. "Perry Mason这个角色已经成为了美国电视文化的一部分。" (The character of Perry Mason has become a part of American TV culture.)
9. "Perry Mason的一个特点就是每集都有精彩的反转和惊喜。" (One characteristic of Perry Mason is that each episode has exciting twists and surprises.)