1. Moso的传统习俗中,女性统治家庭,继承权和权利都由母系家族来继承掌握。
Traditionally, in Moso customs, women dominate the family, and the right to inheritance and power are inherited and controlled by the matrilineal clan.
2. Moso人一般居住在一种叫做“走婚”的婚姻制度中,两人没有婚姻关系,共同抚养同居的孩子。
Moso people usually live in a marital system called “walking marriage”, where two people do not have a marital relationship but raise children together.
3. 在Mosuo语中,“awchug”是指母亲及其姐妹们的集体,是一个大妈制度的体现。
In Mosuo language, "awchug" refers to the collective of mothers and their sisters, which is a manifestation of the grandmaternal system.
4. Moso语是世界上唯一的一种无声调的语言。
Moso language is the only toneless language in the world.
5. Moso人信奉波嘎教,认为“波嘎”是自然界万物的精神和力量。
Moso people believe in Bon religion, and believe that "Bogaji" is the spirit and power of all things in nature.
6. Moso人住的地方有很多水,他们以鱼为主要的食物来源。
The place where Moso people live has a lot of water, and they depend on fish as their main source of food.
7. Moso人的家庭一般都是由女系家族组成的,女性拥有财产和继承权。
Moso families are generally composed of matrilineal clans, and women own property and inheritance rights.
8. Moso人的传统服饰多为鲜艳的颜色,以及手工刺绣和花边装饰。
Moso traditional costumes are mostly bright colors, with hand embroidery and lace decorations.
9. Moso人以茶叶为主要的经济来源,他们生产的茶叶有着浓烈的香味和独特的口感。
Moso people rely on tea as their main source of income, and the tea they produce has a strong aroma and unique flavor.